Targeting Steelhead with Spey
We are the only outfitter that targets steelhead exclusively with spey rods on the Lower Salmon. We believe the process of fishing a swung fly will have a deep impact on your life. The process allows all of us the ability to build a deeper connection with the places we guide. We look forward to sharing these experiences with you.
You can expect to fish 5 to 7 runs in a day or areas on the river that carry a swung fly across the current. There is nothing like catching a steelhead on a swung fly, but the journey is a commitment.
We refer to steelhead as “Unicorns” because of the scarcity within our ecosystems. They are aggressive and large which makes the fight particularly memorable and rewarding. With steelhead fishing, success is not measured in high catch rates rather success is measured in the innate ability to stick with the process.
Oftentimes, multiple days are required to hook a steelhead on a swung fly, but the rush and effort of battling a steelhead are worth the effort after dedicating hard-earned time to the grab. Even when a fish is lost after a grab, that sensation will be engrained in your memory.
As they say, it is better to have swung and lost than to have never swung at all. Swinging for steelhead is more about the journey, listening to and feeling the river, playing with physics in nature, observing wildlife, feeling alive with the cold air and warm sun, accepting whatever conditions are in the moment. When preparation meets opportunity and the fish grabs the fly, the experience will be unforgettable and euphoric (all that time you put in, finally paid off!)